Bath in Bloom
And its GOLD for Bath in the Southwest!!! yes Bath were awarded Gold in the Britain in Bloom southwest competition 2024.
Amazing news.
Bath has won Gold and category winner in the Britain in bloom National Finals... AND were voted overall winners, yes Bath is the UK Britain in Bloom Champion for 2024!!!!
Bath in Bloom is kindly supported by
A huge thank you to our Sponsors for this year 2025
Special thanks to Agriframes for your sponsorship
Welcome to the Bath in Bloom website.
The role of Bath in Bloom is to enhance our local area through gardening achievements our role includes:
- Entering the City of Bath into the Britain in Bloom Competition,
- Running a local gardening competition for gardeners across Bath and North East Somerset - free to enter for private, community and business gardens with a special category for schools
- Supporting community groups and giving a few small grants each year
- Our Committee members are active members of the Community and support local community gardening initiatives On our website you will be able to find out how you can get involved as well as see who is taking part in projects that “Clean up” and “Green up” our areas. We are always looking for individuals or community groups who have projects up and running or who would like advice on how they can get involved.
I hope you find our site enjoyable and informative, please tell us if there is anything in particular that you would like to see, and please send us any information about events you would like us to publicise.If you wish to contact us please note our new e-mail address is
For information regarding the "Its your neighbourhood " scheme please click on "Community participation".
Friends of the Royal United Hospital gardening team with volunteers from Bath in Bloom planting tulip and crocus bulbs donated by Baths twin city Alkmaar, They should look fabulous in the spring.!
Our Schools officer Steve talking to the MP for Bath Wera Hobhouse about Bath in Bloom, Mrs Hobhouse is particularly interested in special needs schools and has expressed an interest in some form of sponsorship.
Steve and Barry being interviewed by Dan and Matthew from BBC Gardeners Question Time, We talked about the importance of volunteers in Britain in Bloom, The programme goes out on BBC Radio 4 on Friday 24th Jan at 3pm, it's repeated on Sunday26th at 2pm.
Giant illuminated floral sculptures for christmas at the Royal United Hospital, kindly donated and installed by Frome based artists James and Lindsey Cochrane from studio "Jigantics."
The Mayor of Bath Cllr Michelle O'Doherty and volunteers from Bath in Bloom joined members of " Mind, Green Links" at their allotment today , We had a go at making Chriustmas decorations followed by a yummy curry lunch.
Members of the Bath Organic Group Wreath making in one of their poly tunnels, the wreaths will be sold at the Farmers Market on Saturday.
Bath in bloom Committee volunteers with members of the Alkmaar twinning association sorting the 24,000 crocus and tulip bulbs given to Bath, they will be planted across the city by community groups, We should have a very colourful spring here in Bath! Thank you Alkmaar.
We celebrated our fantastic ahievement in Parade Gardens with a huge get together of everyone who who made it possible. Oct 24
Our amazing "Its your Neighbourhood" groups
Baths hard working parks dept.
Baths fantastic BID team.
The Bath in Bloom Committee
Steve and Barry with Nikky Heal at the Radio Bath studio, They talked on air about Britain in Bloom and of course Baths amazing win .
Bath in Bloom committee members working with Walcot street traders and Bath BID, tidying and planting Wild Walcot community garden , October 2024.
Bath win at the RHS National finals.
We travelled to Manchester on October 21st for the RHS Britain in Bloom National finals awards ceremony and came away with Gold, Category winner and Overall winner, The Sculpture sponsored by Hallmark Care Homes to celebrate 60 years of Britain in Bloom was nominated in the Arts and Culture category along with the Bath Bid nature trail.
A huge thank you to the many volunteer groups, Bath BID, Businesses, Parks guys and of course the Bath in Bloom Committee for all your help.
Francis Tophill presented the awards to Chair Steve his wife Chriustine and Hon Pres Barry Cruse MBE.
A huge thank you to Bath City Farm who hosted our annual "Its Your Neighbourhood" awards evening, Also thanks to Sara for her help. It was a great evening for our 19 IYN groups with everyone achieving level 4 or 5, Well done everyone , you are all Amazing !!!!
Maurice from "The Friends of lyncombe Hill Fields" was presented with the "Overall winners" trophy by the Mayor Cllr Michelle O'Doherty, The rose bowl was kindly given to Bath in Bloom by Loraine Morgan-Davies when she was Mayor of Bath.
Many congratulations to Maurice and his group.
More pictures in "News and Events"
Here are some photos of the Britain in Bloom Southwest awards ceremony held in the Pavilion Bath on October 8th 2024, It was a wonderful occasion where we celebrated 60 years of Bath in Bloom and Britain in Bloom.
Huge thanks to Jenny and her staff at the Pavilion, Theresa at Tu Mangetout for the excellent food, The volunteers from Bath College, The Bath in Bloom Committee for all their hard work, Nicky and Radio Bath and Loraine Morgan Davies for all her help.
The Bath in Bloom Committee with their Gold award presented by the Mayor of Bath Cllr Michelle O'Doherty and the Chair of Bath and Northeast Somerset Council Cll Karen Walker.
Mr Stan Hitt MBE being presented with a Lifetime Achievement award by Lady Emma Fellows, with the Mayor of Bath Cllr Michelle O'Doherty and Chair of Bath and Northeast Somerset Council Cllr Karen Walker, Stan was Bath Parks Dept director back in 1966, he was a SWIB judge and has spent his entire career in horticulture, A truly remarkable man, Congratulations Stan!
Some of our schools painting competition entries were on display.
The Bath in Bloom committee with Mr Flower Pot Head !!!
Chairman of Britain in Bloom Southwest Jon Wheatley being interviewed by the lovely Nicky from Radio Bath.
Britain in Bloom Southwest Patron Lady Emma Fellows
One of the speakers was Tom Hart Dyke, he entertained everyone with anecdotes about his many adventures.
Jim Buttress was interviewed on stage by Bob Sweet, Jim was his usual hilarious self and had the audience in stiches!
Bath also hosted a civic reception in the Roman Baths, It was a splendid occasion with music provided by the City of Bath Brass Band.
Bath in Bloom committee members Christine and Diana judging the vegetable section at the Claverton and District Flower and Produce Show.
Bath in Bloom committee Chairman Steve Brook with BIB sponsor Chris Smith and Paul Bright judging the vegetable section at the Weston Village Gardening Club Flower Show.
Some pictures from our RHS Britain in Bloom judging on August 14th, We really enjoyed showing Teresa and Rob our lovely city and its many volunteer groups, businesses and parks.
Kathy Cook from Alice Park Community Garden
Some of the 300 paintings entered in our school painting competition
We finished the tour in Parade Gardens with a light lunch, The judges were met by the Mayor of Bath Cllr Michelle O'Doherty, also there were a number of our "Its your Neighbourhood " groups and the guys from Parks Dept.
Bath in Bloom and Bath BID busy with a litter pick to make sure Bath is looking its best for the RHS Britain in Bloom judges visit tomorrow.
The amazing sculpture in Parade Gardens created to celebrate 60 years of Bath in bloom, kindly sponsored by Hallmark Midford Manor care home.
Some pictures of the Bath in Bloom Schools competition and the schools painting competition, well done everybody!
Kay and Mark from the RHS were in Bath today taking photos and talking to Bath in Bloom volunteers
The Bees are buzzing in Parade Gardens!!
Some photos from our Britain in Bloom Southwest judging tour 9th July 2024
The Mayor of Bath Cllr Michelle O'Doherty unveiling the sculpture commissioned by Bath in Bloom to mark the 60th anniversary of Bath in Bloom and Britain in Bloom, It was made by local artist James Jones and kindly sponsored by Hallmark Midford Manor Care Home.
Matt with judge Nick Jones at the Urban Garden Centre
Thank you Jane and your volunteers for showing the judges the fabulous long border in the Botanic gardens
The Bath WI garden in the Botanic gardens.
Bath Organic Group showing the judges around their allotment.
Judging in the rain at Parade gardens
Our judges for July 9th Nick Jones and Rod Pooley. at the Brock Street flower beds.
Bath in Bloom volunteers tidying up the raised beds in Manvers Street before our Britain in Bloom Southwest judges arrive.
Bath in Bloom has teamed up with volunteers from Mogers Drewett to work in Hedgemead Park, they had a great day clearing weeds and ivy from one of the walls.
Bath in Bloom volunteers working with the Bear Flat Association have created a brand new garden at the junction of Bloomfield Road and Wellsway, Well done everyone, a brilliant achievement.
Bath in Bloom volunteers joined forces with Bath BID and volunteers from 7 other organisations to plant up the 26 urns around Parade Gardens and 12 planters in Northumberland Place, A fantastic effort rewarded with a picnic in parade gardens afterwards and yummy burgers donated by McDonalds.
Bath Festival of Nature took over Milsom Street for a day, lots of interesting things for adults and children alike.
Bath in bloom volunteers working with The Bear Flat Association are creating a new garden at the bottom of Bloomfield road, The groundwork is finished, planting will be in June.
Friends of the Royal United Hospital and Bath in Bloom volunteers are creating a new "Well being" garden for patients, staff and visitors. Well done guys!
Bath in Bloom Committee Chair Steve with his wife Christine planting the containers by St Michaels church walcot.
Members of Bath Organic Group sowing Heritage seeds, they will compare the crop with modern varieties to mark 60 years of Britain and Bath in Bloom.
Bath in Bloom volunteers working with The Bear Flat Association creating a new garden at the bottom of Bloomfield Road, the first job is to remove the turf!
Mr Doodle comes to town! Mr Doodle also known as Sam Cox has been busy in Bath creating "Graffiti spaghetti" around the city centre, he also has an exhibition at the Holburne Museum.
Walcot Street and Bath in Bloom volunteers had a busy sunday morning clearing old planters and tidyiny up the community garden.
Oliver and George doing their bit for Bath in Bloom, Well done and thank you guys!
Bath in Bloom volunteers with Walcot Street traders and volunteers having a busy morning tidying up the Walcot Street Community garden.
Members of the Bath in Bloom committee discussing our Britain in Bloom entry with Roland from Bath BID,
Thank you Mirium for taking the photos and thank you Roland for your help today.
Volunteers from Bath in Bloom join in the "The Great British Spring Clean 24"
The fruits of their labour!!!
Huge congratulationsw to Alice Park Community Garden for winning the "Happy and Healthy" category at this years Parks volunteer awards ceremony January 2024.
Corporate ecology volunteers from WSP engineering Bristol laying the final section of footpath at Lyncombe Hill Fields with stone kindly donated by Bathscape who have funded all major investment of tools and equipment including the high security shed and oak notice case.
The first blossom of the year in Parade Gardens, January credit Fred Messer'
A volunteer at Hedgemead Park making good use of the strimmer donated by Bath in Bloom.
Bath in Bloom committee members Steve and Christine helping RUH volunteers design and decorate a christmas tree for the hospital, entirely made of flowers, foliage, seed heads and cones that can all be found in local gardens and fields, very sustainable and can be recycled.
Brightening the darkness at the Royal United Hospital is a festive art instalation featuring giant illuminated lilies and Victoria amazonica flower sculptures generously donated by Jig and Lindsey Cochrane at Frome based artists studio Jigantics. photo credit Richard Wyatt.
Corston Community Orchard was awarded a 3rd place environmental certificate by the "Campaign for the protection of rural england.
"More Trees for Bath and Northeast Somerset" volunteer group receiving the trophy given by Southwest in Bloom for their outstanding contribution to the environment.
Robert and Kashmina from "Scope Eye Care" and "Healthcare" were given time off to do some voluntary work in the community, They are shown helping Bath in Bloom to tidy up the roundabout in Weston Bath and planting bulbs on Lansdowne, Well done guys!
Wonderful autumn colours in our Botanic Gardens.
Bath in Bloom Committee chairman Steve Brook with his wife Christine sorting out bags of daffodil bulbs ready to give to community groups and schools across Bath.
Members of the Lyncombe Hill Fields community group planting their daffodil bulbs at the entrance to their project.
Bath in Bloom Committee members with the Chair of BANES Council Sarah Moore, staff, and pupils at Paulton Junior School where they presented them with the trophy for best school in the Bath in Bloom competition. Well done Paulton Juniors!
Teacher Haley in the School tool shed tidying up , some of the tools were given as prizes in the Bath in Bloom competition and are engraved.
Bringing home the silverware from the Britain in Bloom Southwest awards ceremony at Truro 2023
The results for Bath in Full
Bath Gold and the Southwest Tourism cup.
Nominated for the best portfolio.
Business Leisure and tourism.
Milsom Place Gold.
The Old Crown at Kelston Gold.
The Inn at Freshford Gold.
The London and Manchester Trophy for outstsnding contribution to the environment.
More Trees for BANES.
Outstanding community project
Corston Community Orchard.
The Denise James Art Project
3rd place Walcot Street ( Adrian Dolan)
Best Floral Pub in the Southwest
1st place The Old Crown at kelston.
2nd place The Inn at Freshford.
3rd placeThe Cross Guns at Avoncliff.
CPR environmental award
3rd place Corston Community Orchard.
All in all these are fantastic results for Bath its volunteer Community groups and businessess, Well done everybody.
Bath in Bloom Committee members spent a wonderful afternoon at the "Bath Mind", Green Links allotment at Monksdale road.
Bath in Bloom Committee Chairman Steve Brook presented the group with their "Outstanding" RHS Its your Neibourhood certificate and the Bath in Bloom Trophy for winning the "Horticultural Achievement by a Community Group" category, A delicious lunch of home made curry made from ingredients from the allotment was enjoyed by everyone.
Bath in Bloom Hon Pres Barry Cruse MBE was asked to officially open the path that runs through the orchard at the Bath Organic Group Allotment, The path has been made wheelchair friendly , Marion from BOG said " Its made a huge difference for both able and less able allotment holders"
The afternoon included a lunch of home made pizza, and the AGM.
2023 Bath in Bloom awards evening
A most enjoyable evening was had by everyone, Special thanks to the Mayor of Bath Cllr Dine Romero and the Chair of Bath and NorthEast Somerset council Cllr Sara Moore for attending.
It is with great sadness that we announce that Adrian Dolan has passed away, He and his wife Annette owned Bath Aqua Glass, He was a great supporter of Bath in Bloom and worked tirelessly to promote Walcot Street, the City, its communities and businesses He will be greatley missed and our thoughts and prayers are with Annette and the family,
The Apex must be Baths "greenest" Hotel, not only have they got a green roof and a beehive but they have recently installed a raised bed, well done operations manager Jon Smith-Lane for all your efforts.
Britain in Bloom Southwest judging day July 13th 2023
Britain in Bloom Southwest judges Richard Budge and Ian Murphy having a breather in Southgate Shopping Centre.
The lovely ladies from Bath WI at their garden in Botanic Gardens
The judges with Marion at the wonderful Bath Organic Group Allotments.
The Mayor of Bath Cllr Dine Romero with the judges and members of Parks dept